Let's Visit
Newton Abbot

Visiting Newton Abbot

Newton Abbot is on your list of places to visit - fantastic. Let's talk about restaurants, getting there and some tips about what to do when you arrive.

What Should I Do In Newton Abbot?

If you have 3 hours, a half day or even a week in Newton Abbot then we have some suggestions for you. Read our guides and get going today!

This should be enough to get you going in Newton Abbot!

FAQs About Newton Abbot

How Do I Get To Newton Abbot?

To drive to Newton Abbot from Exeter, follow the A380 south for approximately 11 miles. From Plymouth, take the A38 east for 22 miles, then join the A380 northbound for 6 miles. From Torquay, take the A3022 north for 5 miles, then join the A380 northbound for 3 miles.

To reach Newton Abbot by rail, take the Great Western Railway train to Newton Abbot station from London, Bristol, Plymouth, or Exeter. The station is located in the town center and is easily accessible on foot or by local bus.

If you are traveling from the nearby town of Paignton, take the number 12 Stagecoach bus which runs frequently throughout the day.

If you are driving, be aware that there are several car parks in Newton Abbot, including the multi-story car park on Sherborne Road and the Quay Road car park.

If you are taking the train, be sure to check the timetable in advance and book your tickets ahead of time to save money. The journey from London takes approximately 2.5 hours.

What's The Nearest Airport To Newton Abbot?

The closest airport to Newton Abbot is Exeter Airport, which is approximately 20 miles away. The most direct route to take is the A380 and A38, which will take about 30-40 minutes by car depending on traffic.

Where Is Newton Abbot?