Driving directions to Grasmere:
From Windermere: Take the A591 north and follow signs for Grasmere. The journey takes around 15 minutes.
From Keswick: Take the A591 south and follow signs for Grasmere. The journey takes around 20 minutes.
From Ambleside: Take the A591 north and follow signs for Grasmere. The journey takes around 10 minutes.
Rail directions to Grasmere:
The nearest train station to Grasmere is Windermere, which is on the Oxenholme to Windermere Branch Line. From Windermere, you can take a bus or taxi to Grasmere, which is around 8 miles away.
Alternatively, the West Coast Main Line serves Penrith and Oxenholme stations, both of which have connections to Windermere.
To make the most of your visit, consider extending your stay to include nearby towns and attractions such as Ambleside, Keswick, and Lake Windermere.
The closest airport to Grasmere is Manchester Airport, which is approximately 85 miles away. The most direct route to Grasmere from Manchester Airport is via the M6 motorway, which takes approximately 1.5-2 hours depending on traffic. Alternatively, there is a direct train from Manchester Airport to Windermere, which is approximately 9 miles away from Grasmere. From Windermere, there are several bus services that run to Grasmere.