Let's Visit
Wimborne Minster

Visiting Wimborne Minster

Wimborne Minster is on your list of places to visit - fantastic. Let's talk about restaurants, getting there and some tips about what to do when you arrive.

What Should I Do In Wimborne Minster?

If you have 3 hours, a half day or even a week in Wimborne Minster then we have some suggestions for you. Read our guides and get going today!

This should be enough to get you going in Wimborne Minster!

FAQs About Wimborne Minster

How Do I Get To Wimborne Minster?

Driving directions to Wimborne Minster:

From Bournemouth: Take the A35 towards Dorchester, and turn off at the A31 towards Wimborne.

From Southampton: Take the M27 towards Bournemouth, then take the A31 towards Ringwood and Wimborne.

From Dorchester: Take the A35 towards Bournemouth, and turn off at the A31 towards Wimborne.

Rail directions to Wimborne Minster:

The nearest train station to Wimborne is Poole. From there, take the 3 or X8 bus towards Wimborne.


If you are coming from London, it's best to take the train to Bournemouth and then drive or take public transportation to Wimborne. If you are coming from the north, take the M6 or M1 towards Birmingham, then take the M40 towards Oxford and the A34 towards Winchester. From Winchester, take the M3 towards Southampton, then follow the directions above.

What's The Nearest Airport To Wimborne Minster?

The closest airport to Wimborne Minster is Bournemouth Airport which is approximately 8 miles away. To get to Wimborne Minster from the airport, the easiest and quickest route is via the A31 road which takes around 15 minutes by car.

Where Is Wimborne Minster?