1 Day In Thetford
So you've got 24 hours in Thetford
! That's a great amount of time to visit - let's see what our expert guides would recommend. Last updated 15th December 2023.
If you have 24 hours to spend in Thetford, here are some suggestions:
- Visit Thetford Forest Park - take a walk or a bike ride through the beautiful forest. (2-4 hours)
- Explore the ruined Thetford Priory - a historic monument dating back to the 12th century. (1-2 hours)
- Visit the Dad's Army Museum - a fascinating museum dedicated to the classic TV show. (1-2 hours)
- Take a stroll along the River Thet - a peaceful and scenic walk. (1 hour)
- Visit the Charles Burrell Museum - a museum dedicated to the history of steam engines. (1-2 hours)
- Explore Thetford Castle - a ruined castle with a rich history. (1 hour)
Of course, you can also spend some time wandering around the town itself and taking in the local culture and atmosphere. Enjoy your day!