1 Day In Great Yarmouth
So you've got 24 hours in Great Yarmouth
! That's a great amount of time to visit - let's see what our expert guides would recommend. Last updated 15th December 2023.
If you have 24 hours to spend in Great Yarmouth, here are some suggestions on how to spend your time:
- Visit the Sea Life Centre - this will take approximately 2-3 hours.
- Explore the Time and Tide Museum - this will take approximately 2-3 hours.
- Take a stroll along the beach - this activity could take several hours depending on how long you wish to stay.
- Visit the Merrivale Model Village - this will take approximately 1-2 hours
- Take a ride on the Pleasure Beach rollercoasters - this activity could take several hours depending on how long the queues are and how much you enjoy the rides.
- Explore the Nelson Museum - this will take approximately 1-2 hours.
Of course, there are plenty of other options depending on your interests and preferences, but these are just a few suggestions for how to spend your time in Great Yarmouth.