Visiting Wisbech

Wisbech is on your list of places to visit - fantastic. Let's talk about restaurants, getting there and some tips about what to do when you arrive.

What Should I Do In Wisbech?

If you have 3 hours, a half day or even a week in Wisbech then we have some suggestions for you. Read our guides and get going today!

This should be enough to get you going in Wisbech!

FAQs About Wisbech

How Do I Get To Wisbech?

Driving directions to Wisbech:

  1. From Cambridge, take the A10 northbound towards Ely and continue for approximately 22 miles until you reach Wisbech.
  2. From Peterborough, take the A47 eastbound towards Wisbech and continue for approximately 11 miles until you reach Wisbech.
  3. From King's Lynn, take the A17 eastbound towards Sutton Bridge, then turn onto the A47 towards Wisbech and continue for approximately 12 miles until you reach Wisbech.

Rail directions to Wisbech:

  1. Take a train to Peterborough station, then take the number 46 or 56 bus to Wisbech. The bus journey takes approximately 1 hour.
  2. Take a train to King's Lynn station, then take the number 505 or 46 bus to Wisbech. The bus journey takes approximately 45 minutes.

If you are driving from other nearby landmarks, cities or towns, you could consider using the following routes:

  1. From Norwich, take the A47 westbound towards King's Lynn, then turn onto the A17 towards Sutton Bridge and continue towards Wisbech.
  2. From Lincoln, take the A17 eastbound towards Boston and continue towards King's Lynn, then turn onto the A47 towards Wisbech.
  3. From Huntingdon, take the A141 northbound towards March, then turn onto the A47 towards Wisbech.

What's The Nearest Airport To Wisbech?

The closest airport to Wisbech is the Norwich International Airport, located about 47 miles away. If you are traveling from Norwich Airport, the easiest route to take is via the A47 towards Kings Lynn, and then follow signs to Wisbech.

Where Is Wisbech?