Let's Visit
City of Westminster

Visiting City of Westminster

City of Westminster is on your list of places to visit - fantastic. Let's talk about restaurants, getting there and some tips about what to do when you arrive.

What Should I Do In City of Westminster?

If you have 3 hours, a half day or even a week in City of Westminster then we have some suggestions for you. Read our guides and get going today!

This should be enough to get you going in City of Westminster!

FAQs About City of Westminster

How Do I Get To City of Westminster?

Driving directions to City of Westminster:

  1. From Heathrow Airport: Head east on M4, continue on A4, then turn left onto Knightsbridge/A4. Turn right onto Park Lane/A4202 and continue onto Piccadilly/A4. Turn right onto Haymarket, then left onto Pall Mall. Turn right onto Carlton House Terrace and continue onto The Mall. Turn left onto Horse Guards Rd, then turn right onto Birdcage Walk. Turn left onto Great George St and continue onto Parliament Square. City of Westminster will be on your right.
  2. From Gatwick Airport: Take M23, then exit onto M25. Follow the signs for M25/M4/M40/M1/Heathrow Airport. Merge onto M4, then follow the directions above from Heathrow Airport.
  3. From Central London (Oxford Circus): Head south on Regent St/A4201 toward Conduit St. Turn left onto Pall Mall and continue onto Trafalgar Square. Turn right onto Whitehall and continue onto Parliament Square. City of Westminster will be on your right.

Rail directions to City of Westminster:

  1. From Heathrow Airport: Take the Heathrow Express to Paddington Station, then take the Bakerloo line to Oxford Circus. Change onto the Victoria line and get off at Westminster Station. City of Westminster is just a short walk away.
  2. From Gatwick Airport: Take the Gatwick Express to Victoria Station, then take the District or Circle line and get off at Westminster Station. City of Westminster is just a short walk away.
  3. From King's Cross/St. Pancras International Station: Take the Circle line from King's Cross/St. Pancras Station and get off at Westminster Station. City of Westminster is just a short walk away.

If you are coming from other local landmarks, cities or towns, it is best to check the Transport for London website for the most up-to-date travel options and schedules. Underground trains, buses, and taxis are all widely available in the city centre.

What's The Nearest Airport To City of Westminster?

The closest airport to the City of Westminster is London Heathrow Airport, which is approximately 15 miles away. The most common route to travel from the airport to the City of Westminster is via the London Underground, specifically the Piccadilly Line. Alternatively, taxis and buses are also available.

Where Is City of Westminster?