Visiting Chorley

Chorley is on your list of places to visit - fantastic. Let's talk about restaurants, getting there and some tips about what to do when you arrive.

What Should I Do In Chorley?

If you have 3 hours, a half day or even a week in Chorley then we have some suggestions for you. Read our guides and get going today!

This should be enough to get you going in Chorley!

FAQs About Chorley

How Do I Get To Chorley?

Driving directions to Chorley:

  1. From Manchester: Take the M61 and exit at junction 8, then follow signs for Chorley.
  2. From Preston: Take the M6 and exit at junction 28, then follow signs for Chorley.
  3. From Bolton: Take the A6 and continue onto Chorley Road, then follow signs for Chorley.

Rail directions to Chorley:

  1. From Manchester: Take a train from Manchester Piccadilly station to Chorley, with a journey time of approximately 45 minutes.
  2. From Preston: Take a train from Preston station to Chorley, with a journey time of approximately 10 minutes.
  3. From Bolton: Take a train from Bolton station to Chorley, with a journey time of approximately 10 minutes.

If you are visiting other local landmarks, cities or towns in the area, you may consider taking a train or driving to these nearby places and then getting public transit or a taxi to Chorley. Nearby places include Preston, Blackburn, Southport, and Liverpool.

What's The Nearest Airport To Chorley?

The closest airport to Chorley is Manchester Airport, which is approximately 24 miles away. To get to Chorley from Manchester Airport, you can take the M60 motorway, then switch onto the M61 and finally exit at Junction 8. From there, follow signs for Chorley. Alternatively, you could take a train from Manchester Airport to Chorley, which takes around 45 minutes.

Where Is Chorley?