Let's Visit
Chalfont St. Giles

Visiting Chalfont St. Giles

Chalfont St. Giles is on your list of places to visit - fantastic. Let's talk about restaurants, getting there and some tips about what to do when you arrive.

What Should I Do In Chalfont St. Giles?

If you have 3 hours, a half day or even a week in Chalfont St. Giles then we have some suggestions for you. Read our guides and get going today!

This should be enough to get you going in Chalfont St. Giles!

FAQs About Chalfont St. Giles

How Do I Get To Chalfont St. Giles?

To get to Chalfont St. Giles, you can follow the below driving and rail directions:

Driving Directions:

If you are coming from London:

  • Follow M40 west towards Oxford
  • Take exit 2 for Beaconsfield and keep left at the fork to merge onto A355
  • Follow A355 for 3.5 miles and then turn right onto Narcot Lane, which will lead you to Chalfont St. Giles

If you are coming from Birmingham:

  • Follow M40 south towards London
  • Take exit 2 for Beaconsfield and keep right at the fork to merge onto A355
  • Follow A355 for 3.5 miles and then turn right onto Narcot Lane, which will lead you to Chalfont St. Giles

Rail Directions:

The nearest rail station to Chalfont St. Giles is Little Chalfont, which is on the Metropolitan Line of the London Underground. From Little Chalfont station, you can:

  • Take a taxi, which will take around 10 minutes to reach Chalfont St. Giles
  • Take a bus, such as the 105 or 580, which will take around 20 minutes to reach Chalfont St. Giles

If you are coming from High Wycombe, you can take the Chiltern Railways train to Amersham and then switch to the Metropolitan Line to Little Chalfont station. Alternatively, you can take the regularly running Arriva bus, such as the 104 or 105, from High Wycombe which takes around 30 minutes to reach Chalfont St. Giles.

If you are coming from Aylesbury, you can take the Arriva bus, such as the 300 or 500, which takes around 35 minutes to reach Chalfont St. Giles and stops at various locations in Aylesbury.

Overall, it's best to combine the driving and rail directions based on your starting location to get to Chalfont St. Giles as efficiently as possible.

What's The Nearest Airport To Chalfont St. Giles?

The closest airport to Chalfont St. Giles is London Heathrow Airport, which is approximately 17 miles away. The easiest route to get to Chalfont St. Giles from Heathrow is via the M25 and M40 motorways. Alternatively, you could take public transportation, such as the Heathrow Express train to London Paddington Station and then transfer to the London Underground to reach Chalfont St. Giles.

Where Is Chalfont St. Giles?