Let's Visit
Scottish Borders

3 Hours In Jedburgh

So you've got three hours in Jedburgh - that's great news. Let's see how you can best use your time while you're here.

What Should I Do With Three Hours In Jedburgh?

If you have 2-3 hours to spend in town, here are some suggestions:

  • Visit Jedburgh Abbey - it's a beautiful ruined abbey that dates back to the 12th century. You can explore the grounds and ruins on foot, and it should take about an hour to see everything.
  • Take a walk along the Jed Water - there's a lovely path that runs alongside the river and takes you through some picturesque scenery. A leisurely walk along the river should take about an hour.
  • Stop by Mary Queen of Scots House - located in the heart of town, this museum is dedicated to the life and times of Mary Queen of Scots, who spent some time in Jedburgh. You can learn about her history and see a replica of her death mask. A visit should take around 45 minutes.

Overall, you could comfortably fit in a visit to the abbey and a walk along the river in 2-3 hours, or alternatively visit the museum and abbey. Whatever you decide to do, Jedburgh is a charming town with plenty to see and do, so enjoy your time there!

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