1 Day In Kingston upon Thames

So you've got 24 hours in Kingston upon Thames! That's a great amount of time to visit - let's see what our expert guides would recommend.

What Should I Do With 24 Hours In Kingston upon Thames?

If you have 24 hours to spend in Kingston upon Thames, here are a few suggestions for how to spend your time:

  • Visit Hampton Court Palace: This historic palace is just a short bus ride from Kingston town centre, and is definitely worth a visit if you're interested in Tudor history. You can easily spend a few hours exploring the palace and its grounds.
  • Take a walk along the Thames: Kingston is situated on the River Thames, so why not take a stroll along the riverfront? There are plenty of pubs and restaurants to stop at along the way, and you'll get some great views of the river and surrounding areas.
  • Explore Kingston town centre: There are lots of shops, cafes, and restaurants in Kingston, as well as a busy marketplace. You could easily spend a few hours wandering around and checking out the local sights.
  • Visit the Rose Theatre: This modern theatre in the heart of Kingston hosts a variety of shows throughout the year. Check their website to see what's on during your visit.
  • Take a tour of the Bentall Centre: This large shopping centre is home to over 100 stores, including many high street brands. You could easily spend a few hours browsing the shops and grabbing a bite to eat.

Of course, these are just a few suggestions – there are plenty of other things to see and do in Kingston upon Thames. How you spend your time really depends on your interests and what you're in the mood for!

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